Sunday, March 3, 2013

Problems at Home

A blog on is raising awareness of the dangers of home plate collisions.  The article stats that many of the big league catchers, such as Mike Matheny, is in favor of doing away with this problem.  I can see where they are coming from with many of the catchers injuries occurring when they are trying to block the plate.  But is this something we really want to do away with?

Yes, this is a problem in baseball.  As you can see many of the catchers do sustain very big injuries. But can baseball get rid of one of coolest plays it has to offer?   So many iconic plays have been made when the catcher is being bull-dozed.  And honestly, as a journalist, that is a great shot to use for highlights.  The only reason many people watch certain sports is for the violence.  So there is no reason to take out the only violent part of baseball.

There are many other ways that players can get injured.  Buster Posey, the player who was run over in the video, is also the same player who broke his leg after hitting a home run. Maybe we should ban running around the bases after hitting a home runs? Same concept right? NO! That would be ridiculous .

Athletes are going to sustain injuries no matter what we do to prevent them.  So there is no reason to take out one of the only eye appealing events that happen in baseball.

If baseball gets rid of collisions at the plate I think the fan base would drop a lot.  There is nothing more dramatic than watching a big hit at the plate and wondering it the runner is safe or out.  I can understand in certain circumstances, such as running the catcher over when it is necessary , to kick the player out of the game. but we already do that.  When a player lowers their shoulder to run the catcher over they are kicked out of the game.

If baseball does away with collisions at the dish are they going to change the blocking the plate rule? They would have to… It wouldn't be very fair to allow the catcher to stay i the base path if he isn't able to be hit.  On that note, do they get rid of "take out" slides? I feel that would be next… Getting rid of collisions at the plate would just be the start of ruining America's past time.

So to you Mr. Matheny, I am sorry, but I don't agree with getting rid of running the catcher over.  I see where you are coming from, but it is a big part of the game and has been for a very long time.  Getting rid of it would be detrimental to the pureness of the game.

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