Monday, May 6, 2013

Noah: Back off Rose

Chicago Bulls star Joakim Noah is sick and tired of people picking on his teammate Derrick Rose.
Rose has been openly criticized for sitting out all season while recovering from the ACL he tore one year ago.

Many people think he's been out too long and are giving him a hard time for not coming back, including the media as well as some disgruntled Bulls fans.

Noah got emotional in an interview after Monday's win against the Heat when asked how proud he was for beating the Heat without Rose.

"If you tore your ACL and you have to be the starting point guard and have the expectations that Derrick has then maybe you can judge, but everybody who hasn't been in that situation before should really shut up because I feel like it's just so unfair to him and to this team," Noah said in an interview with ESPN.

On social media sites, the opinions seem to be mixed.
Twitter was blasting with Rose talk after the Bulls pleasantly surprised everyone by beating the Heat without him. Overall, it seems like opinions are all across the board.

Many people take the same side as Noah and stand up for Rose, and believe he needs to heal and come back when he is ready.

Dulce Ortiz (@DulceSweet) tweets, "Unless you're an athlete that has gone through ACL reconstruction surgery like #Rose, you cannot talk."

Others are less understanding, and a lot more harsh. Nick Gonzolas (@Nick_Gonzo24) tweets, "If D Rose doesn't come back now with that 1 game cushion, I will fly to Chicago and tear his other ACL to give him a reason not to play."

Either way, the star athlete still has hundreds of understanding fans sticking up for him, as well as a very loyal team of Bulls.

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